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I'm here to help you learn about T1 voice and data services, and save you money on your high speed dedicated line needs.



T1 Lines for Audio Transport
T1 dedicated lines offer a high quality transport medium for broadcast remote pickup and studio transmitter links.

By: John Shepler

AM & FM stations and radio networks started using telephone lines to transport program audio and remote broadcasts back in the 1920's. Even today some stations still rely on pairs of equalized telephone lines as audio links from studios downtown to transmitters out in the boonies. The technology trend of the last few decades, though, has seen stations moving to 950 MHz band studio-transmitter links (STL) and satellite network downlinks. In the digital audio age, why would anyone think of going back to telephone lines to send audio? After all, telephone lines aren't the first thing that comes to mind in high performance audio technology.

The new twist is using digital T1 lines to send digital audio from point to point. It's actually a natural fit. The 1.5 MHz bandwidth of a T1 line using two pairs of ordinary copper phone line is wide enough to send FM stereo and digital radio programs as far as you like. The audio quality doesn't degrade because the digital pulses are regenerated as required along the path. What's more, T1 lines are bi-directional and full duplex. That means you can send remote pickup programs, transmitter data, telephone lines or satellite audio in the opposite direction at the same time.

Equalized analog phone lines are getting expensive and hard to come by in some areas. 950 MHz STL frequencies have become crowded and they need direct line of site access to work. Satellite uplink/downlink systems are very expensive. At the same time, T1 line service is getting cheaper and is readily available nearly everywhere. You don't need line of site transmissions or locations near each other. It uses the same twisted pair connectivity as multi-line telephone. Another competing option is Carrier Ethernet, with higher bandwidths and lower prices than traditional T1.

Discover Your Bandwidth Upgrade Options Now
You are likely paying too much money and getting too little bandwidth on your old T1 line contract. Get a competitive quote for upgrade service now, including high bandwidth solutions such as SD-WAN and Managed SDN Software Defined Networking, DOCSIS 3.1 Gigabit Cable Broadband, Carrier Ethernet and MPLS network services from 10 Mbps to 10 Gbps, with 100 Gbps available in some areas. Find out in seconds what network services and pricing are available now for your commercial business building anywhere in the U.S. Simply use this handy form...


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