
"Taking a Bite Out of Jurassic Age
T1 Dedicated Line Pricing"
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Read this and see why YOU could be saving on your business telecommunication costs with T1 voice and data.













T1 Rex Dedicated Line Services
Learn about T1 and higher speed network line services that can help your business improve productivity and save money. Let us help you navigate the confusing world of T1, PRI, DOCSIS, DS3, Ethernet, GigE, T3, OC3, OC12 and OC48 voice and data lines.

How DS3 Bandwidth Compares With Ethernet - Comparing the new Ethernet over Copper and Fiber network services with traditional DS3 bandwidth.

ISDN PRI vs T1 - Primary Rate Interface service is delivered on T1 lines, but is configured differently than a channelized T1 circuit. See if PRI is the right service for your company PBX system or call center.

T1 PRI Phone Lines For Call Centers - PRI or Primary Rate Interface T1 lines offer cost savings and advanced features to improve call center performance.

What's The Difference Between T1 and POTS? - Both T1 lines and traditional "Plain Old Telephone Service" analog lines can carry telephone calls. Here's how they differ.

What's The Difference Between DS1 and T1? - Understand the fine technical differences so you know what digital service to order.

Bandwidth Expansion for VoIP - Introducing voice over IP telephony onto an enterprise data network offers an opportunity to dramatically reduce business telecommunications costs.

Video Content Bandwidth Can Eat Your Network - Whether you produce, distribute or consume video content, you’ll need more bandwidth soon.

When T1 Lines Make the Most Sense - Think you need gigabit bandwidth for your phone system or small retail operation? A T1 line may be the better choice.

Solutions to T1 Line Saturation - What to do when you have hit the limit of your WAN network connection.

SIP Trunking vs ISDN PRI Phone Lines - A closer look at telephone line options for business PBX phone systems.

Bandwidth Faster Than T1 - Keep the quality and reliability of your T1 line but get more bandwidth, perhaps for the same cost.

Easily Cutting Telecom and Network Costs - There’s a wealth of cost saving opportunity in your company.

Stop Overpaying For Your Phone and Data Lines - Get the most value for your tech dollar in these uncertain times.

Are T1 Lines Still Used for Business? - Surprisingly, this mature wireline technology is still in demand for special circumstances.

T1 Line Replacement 10 Mbps Fiber - Upgrade your T1 line now to avoid obsolescence and triple your bandwidth.

5G Fixed Wireless Access Replaces Copper Telco Lines - FWA as a solution to EoC and T1 telco copper decommissioning

Are T1 Lines Going Obsolete? - T1 lines are still used, but there may be better bandwidth solutions.

Discover Your Bandwidth Upgrade Options Now
You are likely paying too much money and getting too little bandwidth on your old T1 line contract. Get a competitive quote for upgrade service now, including high bandwidth solutions such as SD-WAN and Managed SDN Software Defined Networking, DOCSIS 3.1 Gigabit Cable Broadband, Carrier Ethernet and MPLS network services from 10 Mbps to 10 Gbps, with 100 Gbps available in some areas. Find out in seconds what network services and pricing are available now for your commercial business building anywhere in the U.S. Simply use this handy form...


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Our extensive cloud and telecom line services are provided by Telarus, Inc., a premier cloud broker and master agency. Please provide accurate phone & email contact information or call toll free for support anytime at 1-888-848-8749. All information you provide will be used only to support your inquiry and will not be shared.


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Please contact me at John (at) T1Rex.com. Visit JohnShepler.com
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